For health reasons I am not taking on any new patients until April or May 2024.
If I have been recommended to you and April is too long to wait, please message me and I will reply with information about other McTimoney chiropractors nearby whose treatment will be similar to mine.
... or you could check the MCA website to find one for yourself.
I am still treating existing patients up to the date of my operation and will then provide cover for about 4 weeks until I am back to work. Call me if you are an existing patient and want to book in.
McTimoney Chiropractic is:
- Safe, gentle, specific and effective, supporting your body's own healing ability.
- Suitable for all ages, including young children and elderly patients
- Holistic and tailored to your individual needs
- Chosen by over 150,000 new patients each year and used to treat 8000 people in Britain every working day.
This video describes some of the benefits of McTimoney Chiropractic, from the patient's point of view.
Chiropractic was first developed in America, but the McTimoney method is British. For more information see my page about the history of McTimoney Chiropractic.
Please note that I don't treat animals.
If you are looking for an animal chiropractor, you can find one on the website of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association.